Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I think the greatest sound is hearing Gage try to say words. He has been trying more and more. Usually only myself or David can understand him. His favorite word is "cars". Today while driving him to daycare he said "purple"! He was holding a purple car. It was clear as day! PURPLE! I wanted to cry. I was so happy. I asked him to say it over and over.

There is some relief in seeing him to try to communicate more with words. I've spent the last week really observing him and I see him interacting with us more and making eye contact. I wonder if it is possible that there could be another explanation for his behavior other than Autism.  I know we will soon have answers. In the meantime, I am keeping an observation log of his behaviors from my perspective and from what others tell me as well. I am also seriously considering having a sensory evaluation. I have been really watching him. At times, he will cover his era but not for long and generally there is nothing loud. He also touches things to his lips and not just food. Tonight we had to go buy him bigger shoes because his we're too tight. When I took him into Marshall's, initially he started to cry but he grabbed his car out of his shirt pocket and held it. Then he was fine. I thought maybe there was just too much stimuli in the store. We did not have any behavioral issues at all. I was by myself with both kids.  

Maybe I am just in denial. But I really feel in my heart that I need to explore everything before just putting a label on my son. I want him to have all the best opportunities he can have. If there is no other explanation for his behavior then I can accept that. I just want to make sure.

Until next time...

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