Monday, August 12, 2013


As I sit here on the floor of my little boy's room waiting for him to fall asleep, I find myself thinking...thinking about Jill and life. I spent the last few weeks reading my blog, reading Jill's blog, looking through boxes for pictures. I want to find anything that I might have that has Jill's mark on it. As I look back on those actions, I realize that I don't need any of those things. Jill will always be here.  She has made it known to me and others that she is here. The day after her passing the Today show had on Barry Manilow and used the Copacabana to introduce him. You see Jill absolutely LOVED the Copa. She had named her car in college Lola the Corolla. She was letting all of us know that she is still here. As I think of stories or explain to people about Brett McSundy, I find myself saying it was just. Jill.  She had this way and one can not explain it. She had nicknames for everyone. She knew what she was doing. I am not sure I will ever be able to call the hospital anything but the "klink". I think we could write a book just on Jill-isms.

Thinking about this gives me some perspective. Life is short. We all know this and we all say this. But do we live this. Jill did. She lived everyday to her fullest. We are all going to die one day this is a fact of life. The only difference will Jill was she knew that it would be sooner than most of us. She made every moment count. So I challenge everyone to not hold on to the past and to look in front of you. There is so much that we miss. It's easy to get caught up in the craziness of life. But we all need to take a moment to BREATHE and get some perspective.

Until next time...

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