Wednesday, August 14, 2013


So my 2 1/2 year old has been work with Early Steps for the past year. Early Steps is Palm Beach County's early intervention program for developmental delays. Gage was delayed in the area if speech. He has made a lot of improvement but still struggles. I see him trying to communicate more often.  At his first evaluation last October, we were told that he needed to be further evaluated for Autism. Here is where I am going to go off on a tangent.

As an LMHC, I understand what a diagnosis or label means.  I am starting to think that society has forgotten what it is like to be an individual. This goes for so many other things outside of a diagnosis. On sports teams, I have heard of occasions where everyone on all the teams are getting trophies, schools wearing uniforms...those are just a few. What happened to the days where we were able to have our differences. Because a child doesn't act like the "norm" does that men there is something wrong with them. Couldn't there be another explanation?! Why are we so quick to slap a label on people nowadays. I hear all the time "my child has ADHD" or "I'm bipolar". News flash these are not great labels to have.  I feel like people want a label so that they have an excuse a reason to blame their behavior on.

I am in no way undermining the diagnosis or saying that people don't really suffer from these disorders. I am just saying that how can one be diagnosed with something after only seeing someone for a very brief time (1-2 hours). I understand what goes in to gathering the background information. I am just not sure we mental health providers have it right. Shouldn't we be using the least severe diagnosis until there is more diffinitive information. I mean at least see the person or child more than once and in different settings. God made us all unique and we seem to be taking that away from our children.

Ok I think I've said my peace on this for now. I will continue to fight for my child and the services he needs with the least severe diagnosis possible.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I totally agree!!! I have never wanted a 'label' for my child but instead to know how I can help him be more comfortable with himself and others.

I've also had this 'everyone gets something' at Cub Scouts. The Cubmaster told me that everyone is to get something every month. Is it fair that my child went above and beyond, was present at every meeting/activity and he gets one or two things... while someone who showed up once at a meeting gets the "I Did My Best" badge. Really?? As the Advancement Chair, I put a stop to that. I had a few kids that were upset and had to explain to them and their parents why they didn't receive anything that month. And NO ONE blamed me. They all understood. And life went on.