Friday, September 20, 2013

One step forward two steps back

So this week has been rough. Gage was very difficult at daycare. He had several tantrums. He had one today. I got a call from the director saying I needed to pick him up. What is a parent supposed to do? Don't two year olds have temper tantrums?! I understand where they are coming from.  I just wish I knew how to make it better. Gage does have some tantrums but at home with us we are able to manage them. They are mostly because he can't quite communicate what he wants.

I am so frustrated and just want to scream! Giving up is not an option! When did this nation become some self centered. It seems it is all about self preservation. I miss when people actually looked out for one another. I'm so afraid to see what it's going to look like in 20 years.

I wish more than anything right now I could stay home with Gage and Jillian, but that is just not an option. I don't know what else to do. I don't want to send him to daycare where they are ill equipped to deal with him and I don't think they want him back. I wish I had the solution. I don't think I will be coming into a small fortune anytime.

I just want to make it better for Gage. I know those tantrums are his way of trying to communicate even though it is less than effective. I watched him play tonight. He is such a wonderful and sweet child. I love the way he looks at me or comes up on the couch to snuggle. His giggles and words are the best sounds in the world. I love it when he helps Jillian by bringing her her binkie. He is perfect.

I have to trust that there is a reason for everything. I don't have to like it. The sun always comes out after the rain.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Amy B said...

Do they do sign language at the daycare? My old day care used sign language with all the students, but it really helped with the little ones....
My youngest didn't talk for a LONG time....we had tubes put in her ears and she talked within 72 hours...but she did a lot of signing until we figured it out. (yes she had ear infections, but the pediatrician told us she didn't need tubes....we over ruled her and took her to be looked at anyway)
Good Luck!!