Monday, September 16, 2013


I am a bit delayed in writing about the memorial for Jill. I think I was trying to absorb it all. It was nothing short of amazing. Friday night we (Kelli, Jessica, Shippy, and I) paid tribute to Jill in her her own Ash-n-Dash. She would have been so proud. Thanks to the ladies at the Tri-Delta house for watching little Jillian so mommy could play.  Saturday was beautiful. Jill was an amazing person. We had a balloon launch of black and gold balloons. It was pretty cool. I was so happy to reconnect with so many people.

I have realized so much recently. And I wonder why it took such an event to open my eyes. No longer will I make any excuses. Fear will no longer be the reason why I don't do something. Jill never let fear consume her (even if she felt it). I will embrace the feeling and run with it. I am sure it can fuel me just as well as hinder me.

I know this to be true:
1. Life is short so embrace it.
2. Jill may not be here physically but she is with me everyday.
3. Fear will not live with me any longer.

I want Gage and Jillian to grow up confident adults. I don't want them to think they can't do something. Failure is a part of life. It's how we get back up that defines us. In today's society we need to allow our children the opportunity to fail. How else will they learn. I am not the perfect parent. I mean how else can I teach my kids about picking up the pieces. Life is about the journey and the waves we make along the way.

Thank you Jill for being a part of my life and showing me all that it has to offer. You will never know the full impact you had on this Earth. My life will never be the same. Thanks for the waves...keep sending them to me.

Until next time....

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