Friday, September 06, 2013


I am just jumping right in today. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I don't want to seem like I am complaining because I am not. I just wonder when I will get a break. Today I would have given anything to be a stay at home mommy for no other reason but to be with my children and help Gage. (I really need to win the lottery but that is another topic for a different day).

Let me start with work today...Thursdays are usually a day full of meetings for me. I started with my morning meeting as usual. At this meeting there is usually a video of some sort shown. Today it was about Richie Parker. This guy was born with no arms. Just watch the video. I wouldn't do it any justice trying to explain it. Well with everything going on in my home right now with Gage, it totally hit home.  Then I go to my office where I have another meeting with all the managers. Just like the first meeting, we generally watch a video of some sort. Today it was Kathryn Schulz talking about being wrong. I know the video is a bit long but take the opportunity to watch it. It took all my power to not completely lose it at work.

 OK I GET IT!!!!!!!! I just need a break. I totally felt like Jill was with me all day while all this was going on. I know what the message is. I am just not sure I am able to fully accept it without further evaluation. I have to remember that the things we can not change end up changing us. I know I am being presented with this path for a reason. I need to stop fighting it and open myself up to it. I am still going to have him fully evaluated by a neurologist and I also think I am going to get a Sensory Evaluation. I just want to make sure there is no other possible reason.

When I got home, it was time to get ready for the weekend. I am headed to Orlando tomorrow for Jill's Memorial at UCF. I know it is going to be good. I am just afraid that all the strength I have had in the last month is not quite there. I think this is going to be one big giant cry fest for me. I am ok with that. I think I haven't allowed myself to grieve fully. I have so much swirling around my head right now.

I know that I am not the only person to have shit (for lack of a better word) happen to me. I know it makes me who I am. I am trying to look at these situations differently. I am not perfect...I am human...I am a mom and I only want what is best for my children.

It's late and I could ramble on for hours about the same thing so I will stop now.

Until next time....

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