Tuesday, September 17, 2013

When did I grow up?

In attempting to de-clutter my life I was going through the boxes I have in the garage. I found some old CDs that I had burned while in college. I decided this morning it would be a good idea to listen to one if them. Afterward I wasn't so sure that was such a good decision (at least not on my way to work). Open flood gates. It's amazing how music holds so many memories for me. I forgot how much I really love it. I really connect through music. Gage seems to enjoy music just as much. It must be my dad coming through. College seems like an eternity ago but I remember it like yesterday. And when I put that CD on it took me right back to that moment in time.

Today was a rough day for Gage at daycare. I'm not quite sure why. It is so frustrating for me to have to drop him off everyday. I wish I could just stay at home and still be able to do my job. I guess in a perfect world. I was talking with David tonight dreaming about hitting Powerball. I swear if that .should ever happen I would immediately open a foundation of some sort to assist families with children that have any type of special needs. A parent should not feel like they are helpless. Obama should take that on. There are bigger fish than healthcare. I bet if one of his kids had an issue he would be taking that on and fighting for changes.

Our children are the future...the next generation of this country. I feel like so much has changed since I was a kid. Things are just different and I know that technology has a lot to do with it but I think just how we raise and parent our children has changed. Children are not in charge but somehow that has happened. Somewhere along the line we gave them that role. My children will not have everything they want. They will have to earn things. Everything in moderation right? I will never understand taking everything to the extreme.

I guess I have rambled enough tonight but I find that this is extremely therapeutic for me (that's the therapist in me).

Until next time...

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