Thursday, July 13, 2006


Ok, for those of you haven't figured out what surgery I am having I will fill you in. I decided to have gastric bypass surgery. It took a lot of thought, prayer, and deliberation. I have high blood pressure and I have had it for more than 2 years. I also recently found out that I have high cholesteral. I am not even 30 yet!!!! So with these health issues I decided that this would be the best option. the procedure will last about 3 hours and then my stomach will be itty bitty. Initially, it will only hold about 1 ounce at a time.

If you look at the picture I have posted, this is what the finished product will look like. So, I am off to the hospital tomorrow for my pre-op appointment. And then I see the doctor on Monday. I am getting so excited and I am happy that this week is almost over.

Until next time...........

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