Thursday, October 31, 2013


I just got home from Trick or Treating with Gage, Jillian, Brionna, and some of her friends. I have to say as much anxiety that I gave myself over it, it actually turned out pretty good. Gage was bug. He doesn't like anything on his head or his face so we had to get creative. His grandparents (David's parents) got him a shirt that had a hood on it and it was a bug. So we used that and put him in black pants. I was not really caring what anyone thought and I dared them to say anything. I was very surprised and happy at how the whole experience went. We went to the first house and Gage wanted to just run right in. He eventually figured it out and it was really cute. He would run up to the door and put his pumpkin down. Then he would knock on the door and wait by his pumpkin. He would then attempt to say "Trick or Treat". If the people would let him pick the candy he actually would only take one piece. Everyone was so nice and would actually give him more. I am so relieved. I was afraid I was going to have to "educate" people. Luckily, it went smoothly. The plan was to only go for a few houses and we ended up going for almost 2 hours. There were no meltdowns and he followed directions.

I am one happy momma. It's the little things. Things that not every parent thinks about that mean the most to us. It's put life in perspective for me. We only have one life. We need to make the best of this journey. It's very easy to forget that with the hustle and bustle of life. But we need to remember to SLOW DOWN and take time to smell the roses and everything else around...even if it's not pleasant. Life is about the experiences and the memories...good and bad.

So with that I want to say Thank you to all those wonderful people we came across tonight that were understanding when Gage tried to come into their home, when he didn't look at their faces, when he used his sign for "thank you" instead of saying the word. I am grateful that this was a good experience for Gage and his sisters. That is what it is all about.

Until next time....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that was a great Halloween!