Sunday, October 15, 2006

Update on Life

Ok, so I have been terrible about writing. I have been so busy. Can I just say that it is GREAT to be back in sunny South Florida!!

My weight loss has slowed down a lot. I knew that it would happen. I just didn’t know that it would happen so early. So I am trying to kick start it again. I am going to start exercising. As of today, I only have a half a pound until I am below 200 ~ the first BIG milestone!!! Then, I am almost half way to my goal. I am feeling so much better and more confident. Yesterday, I went out on my friend’s boat. I had a great time. I don’t have the confidence to get into a bathing suit quite yet (I don’t own one either). But I had a great time. With every pound that comes off, my confidence and self-esteem rise. When I looked in the mirror this morning, I noticed that my stomach is almost flat. I can’t remember the last time that it was like that.

On the job front – I was offered a position with the Health Care District and decided that I would accept it. I do not really like what I am doing currently. And the position at the Health Care District is the one I REALLY wanted. I start on November 6th. I have to go through the background screening and drug test before they can start me. I am really excited. I will finally have more normal hours and I will not be driving all over the county. That makes me very happy.

Update on the move – I went back to Massachusetts to get the rest of my stuff. I ended up hiring a moving company (against my better judgment). But it was the only solution to the problem. They were supposed to pick up my stuff last Monday (Columbus Day). I get a call at 5:30 pm from the guys to tell me that they weren’t going to make it. Needless to say, I was PISSED. Then the guys left the area and never made the pick up. It took me all day Tuesday to finally get that straightened out. So my stuff was finally picked up on Wednesday. I am still enraged. The company is supposed to compensate me for the trouble, but we will see. I think I will file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. I just hope my stuff is in good shape. It is supposed to be delivered tomorrow morning. I will update everyone on the outcome.

Until next time….

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