Thursday, September 14, 2006


Today will be my last day work. It has been a tough week. Most of the kids that I see, I have been seeing as long as I have been at my job. It was an emotional week. I had a few foster parents tell me that I am the best therapist they have had in 20 years. That was definitely an ego booster. On the other hand it is sad to leave and not see the progression of my clients.

Earlier this week I had a dream about Nick Lachey. I know what you all are thinking - CRAZY!!! At the time, I had no idea what the dream meant. Then today I was driving home and I was listening to Nick's new CD. The final song on the CD is called "Resolution". It suddenly hit me what my dream meant.

In order to explain the meaning of my dream, I have to take you back to when I moved to Massachusetts in the first place. Kelly Clarkson had a song call "Breakaway". At that time, it was my theme song. My move to Massachusetts was for me to get away from Florida and clear my head. I just needed to "breakaway". Now almost 2 years later, I am resolved. I have learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life. I am no longer happy just sitting back waiting for life to "happen". I am going to make it happen. This is MY resolution.
Music has always been a large part of my life. I always seem to identify things that are occurring in my life to music. It is my expression. It's definitely something I inherited from dad - his love for music.

I am continuing to do well in my recovery. I have lost a total of 32 pounds to date. Everyday I am so happy I made the decision that I did. I know was the best choice for me.

I am leaving early Friday morning to make the trip back to Florida - part 1 at least. I am almost done packing the car up. I will come home from work today and take a little nappy. Then I will get up and start the 24 hour drive back to West Palm Beach.

Well it's late...Until next time.....

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