Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fairy tales don't exist

Well I have been back in West Palm Beach for a few days. The job search is going ok. I have had a few interviews. I hope I find a job soon because I am going to go crazy doing nothing.
I weighed myself today and I am down 36 pounds!!! I am so excited. It feels so good. Although, it has been a tough week with feeling not so good. I think it is because I haven't been drinking enough water. It is hard to remember sometimes. I am thankful for all the support and well wishes I have been receiving. I always wonder what people I haven't seen in awhile think when they read my blog.
I have learned a lot on this journey. I realize that happiness isn't a destination, it is a journey. Everything in your life adds up to happiness. My whole life I have believed in fairy tales and prince charming coming and sweeping me off of my feet. What I now realize is that is not how it happens. I am not even sure that fairy tales exist. I turn 30 next month and my fairy tale has yet to happen. I am not married. I do not have any children - human ones at least. Both of these I want more than anything. I know how to help others with their issues, but I seem incapable or unable to help myself. I know that everything happens according to God's plan. I have always been impatient and maybe God is trying to teach me patience. It just seems that every guy I date gets married right after me. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that life is not meant to be easy. But was it meant to be so damn hard?!

1 comment:

Balboni said...

Are you coming back to pack up? I didn't hear from you before you left so I don't know what you had decided. How did your interviews go? What about the drive? Give me an email or call. My brother is getting married this weekend.