Sunday, January 05, 2014

Happy Birthday Gage!

Well I am 2 days late posting this but better late than never. January is my month of birthdays. It all starts off with Gage, then David, and finally Jillian. I am seriously considering celebrating the kids half birthdays.

I can't believe that my little boy is 3 already. I don't think I will ever forget his birth. He gave me quite the scare breaking my water 6 weeks early. Luckily, he only had to spend a few days in the NICU. At the time, I would have told you I was not going to go through that again. I have never been so scared. There were seriously more hospital staff in my room that day that I wasn't sure if we could fit anyone else in. If there was one thing I learned that day is that God is definitely in control. Well maybe I didn't learn it just then, but I was definitely reminded of it. I am not sure I have ever prayed so hard. My little guy came into this world all 4 lbs 14 oz with his own agenda and he has lived up to that. He definitely is not taking the road more traveled. He is carving his own way and teaching me along the way. He never ceases to amaze me. He has gone from not saying anything at all to saying words that I didn't even think he knew. He can count to 20 (with a little help). I would not trade it for anything in the world. He may not look at me all the time but when he does it makes me all the more happier. I never take for granted the little things. I waited to hear him say "Mommy" for almost 3 years and now I can't hear it enough. I always smile even when I feel like I could lose it. He does the sweetest stuff and says the most adorable things.

This week marks another chapter beginning for him. He will start a Pre-K class at an elementary school. He will be in an Autism class and I only hope that it helps him socially. I am starting to see him interact more with us and with other children as well. But he continues to stay to himself. He is also engaging in more pretend play.  David got him a little grill for his birthday and he immediately started to play with the food and prepare it. I know that God has great things in store for him. He has certainly already taught me a lot.

Until next time...

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