Friday, November 04, 2005

Ok. So it has been a long, long time since I have posted any blogs. I have been crazy busy. I have had so much going on in my life. I went to Nashville for the Association for Play Therapy conference. It was good. I also started teaching an undergraduate course this week. I am loving every second of it. Scooter has to have surgery. I guess he had a broken bone in his hind leg and I didn't know. Well now he is limping, so he is having surgery November14th.

Last Saturday, it snowed here. :) Nothing major, but it was so pretty. Now it has warmed up a little bit. The dog is not too sure about the snow. But I am sure he will be playing in it soon enough.

Ok. So I have been having a ton of wierd dreams. Especially dreams about my ex-boyfriends. So, knowing you can virtually any type of information on the web, I set out to do some searches. And to my surprise, he is married. My heart sunk into my stomach. I mean I know it is for the better. I guess I just want to know when it is going to be my turn. Everyone tells you to stop looking and that when the time is right it will happen. However, I am starting to wonder if it will ever happen.

Anyways...I will write some more later.

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