Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Well nothing like a reality check. I received my results of my blood work and my sugar was high. The doctor is going to retest it in 3 months, but until then I am supposed to be watching my sugar intake. Pretty scary. I know I need to make better decisions when it comes to food. I just find it so difficult. I get these cravings and they can be so overpowering. I am trying though. I have to for my health. I definitely don't like needles so I don't want to have to give myself insulin. That wouldn't be very good.

Work has been picking back up. I am starting to mentor new employees. I am meeting with the Director of the Attleboro campus of Fisher College on Thursday. I am hoping that I can start teaching some undergraduate courses. We will see.

Well I am feeling crappy....there's a lovely cold going around up here. So I am going to rest. Until later..........

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