Monday, June 13, 2016

Hate isn't the answer

There are no words to describe the horror of the Orlando massacre. I woke up to the news that Orlando, my home when I was in college, had suffered the deadliest shooting massacre in the United States. I have tried to make sense of it all day. I haven't been able to concentrate. Additionally, when the number of victims increased, I remembered how I felt on 9/11.

When is this going to stop? All this hate. We point fingers instead of looking at ourselves. We are all responsible for our own behavior. We can't control anyone else, but we can control how we respond to others.

In the coming days, there is going to be a tidal wave of emotions that descend upon us. Each one of us needs to support one another.This attack has effected each one of us in some way. Let's choose to end this cycle of hate and violence. Let's come together because UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. It's time to remember why our forefathers created this great nation.

I pray for all involved. I pray for all the police, paramedic, fire fighters, and medical staff who worked HARD to protect each of us not only last night but each and every day. I pray that each therapist that will work with these affected people find the words to support each of these people.

I have so much to say but I am speechless at the same time.

Until next time....

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