Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Never Forget

As I sit here tonight on the eve of the day that shattered the way I viewed the world, I have so many emotions. I can't believe its been 13 feels like yesterday. I remember clearly that Tuesday morning, probably more clearly than any other memory. I was at work at a staff meeting. I will never forget the raw feelings of that day. Watching TV for days...wanting, needing answers.

Every single American has their own memories of that day. I will never forget the feeling of being unsafe. For my entire life, I didn't know war. I only knew stories. This single act of terrorism shattered my sense of safety and security.

I had visited my friend Kelli in NYC the month prior to September 11th. That was definitely a trip to remember. She worked blocks from the World Trade Center. I will never forget going to see the Statute of Liberty on the ferry and the picture of the towers. There is a cloud covering the towers. It is very ominous. I still have that picture today.

September 11th will forever be etched in our memories. We can't allow these terrorists to win. We need to honor the lives those men and women lost that day. So tomorrow, do something nice for someone, say thank you to the men and women in uniform (any uniform). Let's unite as a nation!

Until next time...

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