Monday, September 12, 2005

I know, I know, I haven't been blogging lately. I have been really busy.

Last Thursday, I went to Patriots season opening game. It was an early birthday present from my aunt and uncle and the kids. I had so much fun. Of course the Patriots won 30-20.

I have to say that I think most of the time I live in a fantasy world. I don't mean that I am out of touch reality, I just mean that what I don't know won't hurt me. I went to the doctors about 2 weeks ago for my physical (finally). I would have to say that I have been avoiding it. In part because I didn't want to hear about my blood pressure or my weight. And of course, I heard about both. My blood pressure is 120/90. So the doctor added a blood pressure medicine. I know I have to lose weight so that my blood pressure goes down, but I am just at a complete loss of motivation. The doctor also did a complete blood workup and I should be hearing about the results this week. I guess I am in for a reality check. I guess I can't keep living oblivious to my health. We will have to see.

I have to get to work now, so until later........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Carrie, I think you should go for it and get that PhD!! Nothing to loose but time wasted pondering :) Also, don’t mess with high blood pressure. Not to stress you my friend, but they call it the silent killer. High blood pressure will wreck your kidneys too. We have one friend on dialysis and that is ENOUGH! Reducing your stress and getting as healthy as possible will save your life! Love you!!