Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What I have learned (so far)

I realize everyday that I am constantly being reminded that I really don't know anything and I am always learning. Here are just some of those things that I have learned.

  • ...that life with kids is fast and there is no way to slow it down.
  • ...that planning can sometimes be a complete waste of time because there are times when nothing will go as you planned it and it really is OK.
  • ...that perception is everything to a person and I may not be able to help them (or myself) see things differently.
  • ...that relationships are fragile and sometimes we have to handle them with care.
  • ...that it's really easy as a mom to get lost (and I don't mean sense of direction).
  • ...that I really miss those who are no longer here very much.
  • ...that sometimes my kids are way smarter than me. 
  • ...that sometimes (ok most of the time) I take myself to seriously.
  • ...that I need to remember to play.
  • ...that I may be wrong sometimes (not often).
  • ...that tag teaming can be very effective and helpful to a parent's sanity.
  • ...that I don't always have to have the answers.
  • ...that some people will never understand until they walk in your shoes and my shoes are small so they may never understand.
  • ...that as much as I would like to change the world I have to start with myself and trust God to do the BIG stuff.
I have slacked on the whole grateful thing, but I realize that I am grateful everyday for everything around me both good and not so good. I am grateful to have the experiences I have everyday and I have had thus far in my life. I have been so lucky to come across amazing people who have taught me so much. I know that I have taken for granted those experiences.

I feel so privileged that God chose me to be Gage's mommy and every time I hear that sweet word come out of his mouth, I melt. I think the most important thing I have learned and I am reminded of daily is to not take the little things for granted. And I think it is this that I am most thankful for.

Until next time...

Saturday, November 02, 2013

What I am Grateful for

I can't believe that November is here already. I am not sure where the year has gone but it's almost over. Usually during the month of November I do 30 days of what I am grateful for. I have always just posted this on Facebook. This year I am going to blog it. I know I am a day behind so I am going to talk about 2 thing that I am grateful for.

Day 1 - I am grateful for my family. My family is amazing. I knew that this was what I always wanted. We are not perfect but we make it work. I would not trade this for anything.

Day 2 - I am grateful for my education. My education allows me to give back and help others. It also helps me to advocate for Gage.

I know that I should take time daily to acknowledge the good in my life and what I am grateful for. I always try to consciously do that. But like all things life seems to take over. It's easy to get wrapped up in what we are doing on a daily basis. I have realized that I need to look at those things more often because it helps me to remain positive when I tend to want to bitch and complain about the little things.

So for the next 28 days I will (hopefully) put up at least one thing I am grateful for.

Until next time...