Sunday, August 27, 2006

1 Month

Well I just made the most difficult decision I have had to make in awhile. I have decided to move back to Florida. I have realized that the time I needed away from there is done. I have learned a lot and I am just ready to go home. I miss my friends and yes even my family. I have a support network down there that I don't have here. So, I am going home at the end of September. I have enjoyed my time in Massachusetts and I have learned a lot about myself.

I have lost 26 pounds as of today. I am so happy. I am adjusting and I know that I still have a long road ahead of me. Thanks to everyone for all your support.

Until next time......

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Day 28

Well I have made it through another week. I have 2 weeks until I can add some more foods into my diet. Carbs!!!! Yeah. Everyone asks if I am hungry and the luckily I am not. I am still trying to figure out how I feel. I don't think I can explain how I have felt since the surgery. I just feel different - physically. I never realized how difficult the recovery would be. I have been an emotional trainwreck. I spent all last weekend at home crying- for no reason that I could tell. I know that my hormones are crazy because I am not on my birth control because it increases the chances of blot clots forming.

I have made it through almost 2 weeks back at work. Everyday gets a little easier and I get a little stronger. Although I know I probably won't feel completely like myself until at least 6 weeks after the surgery. My incision is starting to hurt less. I decided to take my pain medication at night so that I get a really good night's sleep in order for my body to recoup.

Well I am tired. Until next time.....

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day 20

Well I ended up staying home today. I was up half the night last night in the bathroom. I am not quite sure what was going on but it was not fun. So, I was very nervous to leave the house today. I stayed home and rested and took it easy on the food. I am supposed to have 5 - 2 ounce meals a day. I had 3 today. I was just nervous and wanted to see how my stomach and digestion went.

I am glad to be back home. I missed my bed and the kitty. She didn't destroy the house as I thought she might have. She did throw up on my bed though. So, Jill came up and helped me make my bed and then ran some errands with me. The doctor wants me to keep driving to a minimum. So we went to Walmart, PetSmart, and Stop and Shop. My grocery bill was the best. It wasn't even $50. And that will probably last at least a week. :)

I have a doctor's appt on Friday to get the last 3 staples out. I may try to get Jill to take a picture of the scar for those of you who are curious. It really isn't that bad. Although I can't really touch it yet. It freaks me out.

Well its late and I am tired. Until next time.......

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Day 14

2 weeks!!!!!!!!! I made it. I was able to eat soft solids today. And there were no problems. Yippee!!! It was amazing to me how quickly I felt full. I am also trying to learn what full and hungry feel like. I think I have figured out full. I did the best today with my protein and water goals. I had 58 grams of proteing today and 50 ounces of water. I also felt my best today. That makes me feel better after my day yesterday. I know that this journey is going to be full of ups and downs and I am trying to prepare myself for that. But I never know when it is going to hit. But today was a good day. I had eggs for breakfast, ham for lunch, ground turkey for a snack and dinner, and eggs for a snack in the evening. I was definitely very excited to actually be eating food. I didn't have any issues and that made it even better. My incision looks really good. The top part is healing well. I can't see the bottom, but my aunt reports that it looks good also. I head home on Monday 8/14 and can't wait to get there. I just want my stuff. Jill is going to come up and help me with making my bed (since I can't lift anything more than 10 pounds). I am so thankful for the help. Then on Tuesday, it's back to work. Yeah. I never thought I would be that excited to get back to work, but I am so bored I am going out of my mind. Well its late so that's all for now. I will post pictures tomorrow. Until next time......

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Day 13

Wow. I get to eat soft solids tomorrow. Yippie!!!! Today was a rough day. I woke up feeling a little nauseous. It actually lasted all day. I barely got in any protein today. I am also experiencing some really bad leg cramps. I called the PA and she suggested that I drink propel and try to mash up some bananas. I am still having some tonight. I was also very emotional today. Probably a combination of going off my birth control (because it increases the liklihood of blood clots) and I haven't taken my Lexapro since the surgery. So needless to say I am on a crazy roller coaster. I was thinking today, "What the hell did I do", "Did I make the right decision". I was also wondering when it is gonna get better. My incision is looking better tonight. It is starting to close up. The top part looks great. It is completely healed. I am not sure what I weigh because the scale is on the fritz. However, I will weigh myself first thing tomorrow morning because the battery has been changed in the scale. I will try to get some pictures up also. It's late and I am tired. Until next time......

Saturday, August 05, 2006

This has been a rough week. I am really emotional because I haven't been taking my anxiety medication because it is too big and I can't seem to get it cut small enough. Anyways, Gizmo won't stop shitting in the house and it is obviously driving my aunt and uncle crazy. I don't know what else to do to potty train him. I have tried taking him out every 2 hours and taking him out right after he eats. Problem is, he doesn't do anything outside and then when he comes inside, he does his thing. I am not sure how else to get him to learn to go to the bathroom outside.

I also feel like I am an intrusion at my aunt and uncle's house. I have been here so much. I also just want my own bed and things. But I am not allowed to drive, so I am basically stuck here. It sucks. I want to go back to work because I am so bored, but again the no driving thing. I don't have anyone that can drive me to and from work so I am stuck here. It is depressing at times. And that can be an overwhelming feeling right now. I am not quite sure how to aleviate that.

On another note, I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me out or supported me on this journey. I know that it isn't going to be an easy one, but I am on my way and there is no turning back (not that I would).

Until next time......

Friday, August 04, 2006

Week 1 Results

Well I just got home from the doctor's office. The total weight loss for week one is 12 pounds. :) YEAH!!!!!! I get to eat some real food next week, probably Thursday. I think I will try some eggs. YUM!! It has been a tough week and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me during this week. I haven't been the nicest and I apologize for that. I am so excited about the initial weight loss and I know that it won't be this much always. I know the first month is always the most and then things start to slow down. Welll back to sipping my fluids.... Until next time.......