Saturday, February 25, 2006

We just finished watching the movie In Her Shoes. It was very good.

I was just sitting at the table procrastinating and listening to my IPOD. I am wondering why people in this world are so superficial. I am continuing to have a difficult time taking the weight off and actually, I have gained. It is so difficult because I haven't always been this way. I have never had trouble meeting people or guys. It sucks because I know that I have so much to offer someone. I just want to find someone who can love and accept me for who I am- fat and all. I never would have realized how much pain comes with all of the fat. Which is ironic in itself because my eating has always to fill something inside of me. I have never been sure what exactly. But all I know is that the more I eat the more pain I feel. I try to stop eating but I feel empty. I am starting to get desparate. I almost think I might do ANYTHING to get this weight off. Something has to give....soon.

until next time...............

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