Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I know it's been awhile since I've has been busy. Gage is doing well. He has made such progress since starting school. I have so much gratitude for his teachers. He is talking...ALOT! He is doing great with potty training. We still have our issues here and there but overall he is making great progress.

I look at my sweet boy and can't help but wonder how he would be if he could fully communicate with us. There are days I want to pull my hair out and I hate Autism. But I also understand that without Autism I wouldn't have my amazingly unique little guy. He helps me see the world differently. He reminds me that it is ok to do things differently. He has the most amazing smile and it can instantly change my mood.

Jillian is doing great as well. It is amazing to me how different she is from Gage. She loves her big brother. She gets so excited when he gets off the bus. It's the cutest thing. She is 15 months now and isn't really saying any words. This of course is a scary thing for me. I see vast differences in her development from Gage's. She is babbling and trying to say words. She shows interest in everyone and everything. If she isn't saying anything in a month I will have her evaluated for a speech delay. Hopefully she will start talking soon. I know I will regret that at some point.

I have learned that it is easy to get caught up in life and forget or miss the little things. I am still trying to figure out how to juggle that. I don't want to miss those little things. Tomorrow isn't promised to us and I want to "see" all the little things. It's the little things that add up to make the big things. I am grateful for. This path. It's not always easy but it's no different than someone else's path. We all have struggles. It's those struggles that make us who we are. I am far from perfect. I make mistakes...all the time. I just want to be the best parent and advocate for my every other parent. Our struggle is Autism...someone else's struggle might be cancer or mental health. The paths are different but the same.

Until next time...