Monday, June 26, 2006

My New Baby

I know I have been terrible at blogging. A lot is going on so let me fill everyone in. I made the trip to Pennsylvania to pick up the puppy. WOW was that an interesting time. The drive wasn't that bad. It took us about 6 1/2 hours and my cousin was the best I have ever seen her. She fell in love with the standard poodles at the breeders. Anyways, we arrived at the breeder's place (who lives out in the middle of no where and we almost ran out of gas!! We even saw Amish people) and the woman was a bit disorganized. I think she had too much fun in the 70's. She told me that she couldn't remember if someone else had put a deposit on my little one. Needless to say I was furious. I made her call the woman to verify and she was wrong!!! Thank God!!!!! So I purchased my little one. She gave him a bath and a haircut. And we were on our way. Now came the part where we had to name the little one. At first, I thought Martini would be cute. But then I thought about having to explain that to my clients I see. So that was thrown out. Then I figured Simba would be great, seeing as I am from Florida. Well no one liked that one. So finally, on the third try, I settled on Gizmo. Gizmo is adjusting well. He had his first vet appointment last Friday. He goes back on July 15th for his last round of shots. He weighs 2.6 pounds. I will try to post a picture when I get a chance. If you want to see him now you can go to Jill's blog at There is a cute picture of him with her iced coffee.

Update on the surgery: I have finished all of my tests and I am just waiting on my date. I am really getting impatient (big surprise). I just want to know when it is already. I have to start to prepare myself. I will keep everyone updated as I find things out.

Well I must be going. Until next time.................................

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A New Beginning

Well, its been awhile since I last posted. I am doing much better. I have my good days and my bad days. I am pleased to report that I have found another puppy. I will be travelling with my aunt to Pennsylvania on Saturday to pick him up. He is 9 weeks old and looks similar to Scooter. I know that nothing can replace my baby. I have been more upbeat since I found him....smiling and less sad about the loss of Scooter. I miss him dearly and I am sure it will take a lot of time for that wound to heal. But I have to go on, like I tell my clients. You have to figure out a way around the road blocks and pot holes in life. I easily could have stayed in bed for weeks, but that would have made matters worse. Mattie, the kittie, is still a little freaked out. She has been waking me up in the middle of the night licking me. Not quite sure why she is doing that, but it is utterly annoying. Well it is late and I am tired. I will post pictures of the road trip asap. More next time...............

Thursday, June 01, 2006

In Memory.....

This is my baby, Scooter. I miss him dearly.